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Prestige 300 - Initiative 21 - Hand 10


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Product Details


This special offer contains

Doctor Zeels

Fu Manchu

Ma Fang

& Shaking Sean


the game SMOG, the Thirteenth Hour


Doctor Zeels
Accustomed to fantastic adventures full of beauties in danger and sprawling hungry monsters, Doctor Zeels is daring by nature. Once a turn, his dimensional portal allows Zeels to move to any unoccupied square of the board. With 2 in both Close Combat and Marksmanship and 6 Action Points, Zeels can with no fear appear next to his opponents, fire at them then engage them in hand to hand... And do the opposite the following turn !
Key Cards : Lightning Attack (2), Rapid Fire (1), Covering Fire (2) & Defensive Fire (2)

Fu Manchu

Fu Manchu hardly ever emerges from his 'opiate meditations'. But when he does, you can be certain that a Ya Piang Mo Gwai, an opium dragon, looks after the most famous opiumancer. Fu Manchu's Talent allows you to summon a Ya Piang Mo Gwai Level 1 at the end of each turn. This creature from the Ether will increase your Initiative by 4 and your Hand by 1 and you have a turn to take advantage of its Talent for inflicting wounds to fools who dare approaching them a little too close.
Key Cards : Deadly Curls of Smog (3), Opiate Torpor (3), Taromancy (2) & Aegis of Absinthe (2)

Ma Fang

Assassination is a delicate art and Ma Fang, an accomplished artist. Tenacious, she turns into a terrifying Opium Dragon when the success of her mission is at stake.
With 3 in CC, Ma Fang is a remarkable combatant. She also has 1 in both Ether and Marksmanship, allowing her to combine several different actions. Poltergeist is her favourite spell : it inflicts a wound to her target and forces the opponent players to discard an action card at random, thus reducing their chances to parry the venerable opiumancer's attacks.
Finally, if Ma Fang loses her ultimate life point, she is not immediately put out of combat : she turns into a Ya Piang Mo Gwai Level 3 ! And she disappears for good only at the end of next turn, after having put the final touch to her dark scheme.
Key Cards : Vicious Feint (1), On-Guard Feint (1), Poltergeist (3) & Defensive Fire (2)

Shaking Sean

When Shaking Sean fires his phosphorus-thrower, watch out for incendiary projections ! The opponent character loses 2 life points while any nearby character is likely to lose 1 life point. Indeed, with 2 in Marksmanship, Sean has the power to more than 2 wounds when he fires. Be careful however not to hurt your own characters, beginning with your masked, long-legged marksman...
Key Cards : Rapid Fire (1), Ambushed Fire (2) & the Queen of Hearts' Ring (1)


